24 June 2009


Bluetree is playing the SoulFest on what will be a fantastic closing night, August 1st. You're not going to want to miss the guys who wrote one of the most compelling songs of the past year, "God of This City". Don't miss out on your chance to see them by grabbing your SoulFest Passes here.

The following is an excerpt from an upcoming article in Worship Musician Magazine:

The next issue of Worship Musician Magazine will feature the great new band out of Ireland, Bluetree, authors of the powerful worship song, God of This City. Here's a portion of the interview by Aimee Herd...

Aimee: Talk about how you all came together and formed Bluetree, and what led up to that.

Pete (PTK): We all live close to each other and grew up together in Belfast. We've known each other through the Christian scene, which-in Northern Ireland-is really small. I joined Bluetree when the boys were already together; they'd been going for about a year. I was always being booked as a DJ and they would be booked as the band at the same events. I'd roll up to the event and there were all these Bluetree guys, I'd say, "Not them again." (Laughing) And they'd be "Oh no it's Petey PTK, not him again." I decided if you can't beat them, join them.

Aaron told me that God seemed to be saying that I needed to be in the band, he said, "I don't have a clue what you're going to do in this band but we want you to be a part of it." That was five years ago. We've progressed and have had a few different people in and out who have had other commitments and had to move on. Nickell and Shiny here are our newest members. It's just one big happy Bluetree worship family! Really though, I don't have any brothers and these are the closest thing I have to brothers.

Aimee: Not just because it's first on the recording, but because of its uniqueness, Life's Noise was the first song that really grabbed me on the album.
(General raucous excitement and simultaneous banter)
I especially like the creativity at the beginning, with the effects behind the Scripture reading.

Aaron: Do you know we've actually had people say, "That's really good but how did you get it past your label?" I said, "Are you telling me that if I went through a label I would not be able to have that loop at the start of the song? What's that about?!"

PTK: One thing about this band is that we all have different tastes in music. Jonny wants a flat-out fill-on in your face; he loves all the hard-core kind of trance stuff, so if you give him a dance beat he's in. Some of these other guys are more rocky, and I think it all molds in together. I remember when we wrote that loop in a practice one day, we thought, "How abrasive can we actually make this one loop, so that when it's played live it'll rip your face off?" (Laughing)

Jonny: Industrial effects...

Pete: ...Something like that, and way down the keyboard where no one goes. (Laughing)

Aaron: Definitely out of the box.

(for more, subscribe to Worship Musician Magazine...)

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