08 December 2008

"I Saw What I Saw" by Sara Groves

Many of us have been on mission trips or week long cross cultural excursions.  We've all see things during these trips that will forever impact the way we see the world.  For me, it was a trip to Guatemala in 2003.  Spending just one week in the small town of Jutiapa has burned an image in my mind of how blessed we are... and how much work there is to do in this world.

Sara Groves had a similar experience during a recent trip to Rwanda.  Those moments have helped her craft a beautiful song called, "I Saw What I Saw".  This video is a 'must see'!

Don't miss your chance to see Sara Groves and others in the Love Came Down tour stops in Plymouth, MA and Lewiston, ME. This is going to be a great night full of Christmas celebration with JARS OF CLAY, LEELAND, SARA GROVES AND SIXPENCE NONE THE RICHER.
Plenty of great seats available. Buy tickets online at The SoulFest Store or by calling 978-346-4577.

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